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Privacy policy

By taking out a subscription, subscribing to the newsletter or contacting us via the “Contact us” form, or by registering for a training course or an event organized by the Publisher, you agree that the Publisher or its partners may send you information and/or commercial prospecting emails or letters.


Data controller

Data, as defined below, is processed by the Publisher, as identified in the Legal Notice, acting as data controller.


Collected data

Personal data is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An “identifiable natural person” is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity (art. 4, 1), of Regulation 2016/679).

Data is collected by the Publisher via subscription forms, contact forms, newsletter registration forms, User browsing, downloads, participation in an event, trade fair or training course, and by any other legally admissible means.

The following data are collected:

  • Identification data (surname, first name, date of birth) ;
  • Address data (business address) ;
  • Contact information (e-mail address, telephone number);
  • Subscription data ;
  • Billing and payment tracking data;
  • Bank details (payments and direct debits) ;
  • Data relating to the contractual relationship ;
  • Prospecting and communication data (response, click, etc.) ;
  • Exchanges via the Site or any other means of communication;
  • Technical information related to navigation.

All this data is referred to as the Data.


Optional or compulsory answers

Site users are informed on each personal data collection form of the mandatory or optional nature of their responses by the presence of an asterisk.


Purpose of processing – Legal basis

The Data are processed for the following purposes:

  • Management and execution of agreements concluded with Subscribers or Customers (subscription follow-up, training, services, invoicing, collection, etc.);
  • Customer relationship management (management of opinions, contacts, requests, satisfaction surveys, loyalty programs, polls, etc.);
  • Commercial canvassing (canvassing operations, file maintenance and management, promotional operations by the Publisher or its partners);
  • Claims management ;
  • Partnership management.

Data is collected and processed under the following legal bases (alternatively or cumulatively):

  • When necessary for the performance of a contract ;
  • Where necessary to comply with our legal obligations;
  • When the data subject has expressly consented to the processing of his/her Data ;
  • Where necessary to protect our legitimate interests.


Data retention period

Subscriber or Customer Data is kept for the duration of the contractual relationship, and may be kept for up to ten (10) years after termination, in order to comply with the Publisher’s accounting and tax obligations.

Prospect Data may be kept for up to three (3) years after the last contact from the prospect.


Data Recipients

The Data may be communicated to employees or collaborators of the Publisher for the execution of the aforementioned purposes.

Data may be transferred to various service providers entrusted by the Publisher with ensuring the proper operation of the Site, subscription management, accounting and data processing, particularly for prospecting purposes.

The Data may also be communicated to the Publisher’s partners for communication or commercial prospecting purposes. The list of the Publisher’s partners is available in the appendix to the Privacy Policy.

In certain cases, the Publisher may be obliged to communicate Data at the request of a public administration, a court or an authorized administrative authority, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


Data Transfer

The Data is hosted in the European Union.

Nevertheless, your Data may be transferred to subcontractors or partners located outside the European Union for the time necessary for processing. In this case, the Publisher undertakes to take the necessary steps with its subcontractors and partners to guarantee an adequate level of Data protection, in full compliance with the applicable regulations. If these service providers or partners operate in a country that is not considered to offer adequate protection, the Publisher undertakes to implement the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission as part of its contractual relations with these service providers or partners.


Rights of persons concerned

All individuals have the right to access, rectify, delete and port their Data, as well as the right to limit and object to processing and to organize what happens to their Data after their death. These rights may be exercised in accordance with the following procedures.

These rights may be exercised by contacting the publisher at contactdp@legi-art.com.

When exercising his/her rights, the person concerned must prove his/her identity by any means. The Publisher reserves the right to request additional proof of identity.

Data subjects also have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL.


Protective measures

The Publisher undertakes to take into account, with regard to its tools, products, applications or services, the principles of data protection by design and data protection by default. The Publisher undertakes to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the integrity and confidentiality of stored Data.



See cookie policy (link).


Applicable law

The collection and processing of Data and this Privacy Policy are governed by French law.